Web tech exploration


How long has it been around?  16 years. Who created it?Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Was there any precedent? No. What is the site’s most typical use-case? web search. Who is the site’s primary clientele? anyone who is looking for a website or information. What groups or industries have been affected by this?  How? a handful of companies. How is the tech expected to evolve? google created google glass and tha was a step into the future  so google will proably be seen in a new perspective when it evolves. Are there any competitors? yes.

I think the bigest advancement in technology is the telephone because it makes communication over long distances easier. The technology that impacts me the most is computers becaus a lot of the assignments and a lot of the information I get I use a computer to get it. Between each invention there is a lot of time but the time gets shorter between each invention creation. In the future I can see technology becoming more environmentally friendly and more usefull.

movie ranking questions

How many of the “Top 10” films have you seen? -Out of the “Top 10” films i have seen 6.

How many of the “Top 10 … Adjusted” have you seen?- I have seen 5 of the top 10 adjusted.

What is inflation?- A rise in the general level of prices of stuff over a period of time.

How is a films gross earnings adjusted for inflation?- The more people that buy a ticket to go see the movie the lower the price of the ticket will be.

How does the release year relate to the adjustment?- The year release makes the price drop because  people don’t always like to watch older movies because they like new movies that they havent seen before.

Perdue Online Writing Lab(OWL)

OWL explains the different sides of online searchingOWL says there is a lot of information, but not all of it is the best. They say “the internet is a good resource, but library resources have more information.” Search engines only look at (index) a fraction of the available information. Not all of it is up to date.  Also, OWL says search engines don’t always search the entire page, so the information could be hidden from you. All of the information on the internet isnt found on search engines. search engines are not the best way to find material on the web.

Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose

Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are very important things in a person’s life. Autonomy is if you get compensated for good grades or when you were a little kid; you would get a piece of candy or a quarter for doing something good. Then there is mastery which is when people do something just to be good at it. Also everything a person does is with a purpose.